Sunday, July 8, 2012

Three Legal Notices in Sunday’s Cadence

The Cadence is required reading for anyone interested in Grand Rapids Township.  It’s often the only ready source of information.

It also carries the legal notices — which people often skip past.  In the July 7 Cadence, there are three of them.

On page 3, there is notice of two pending ordinances, one regarding outdoor signage, the second to allow limited outdoor dining at restaurant in the township.  I've mentioned both these ordinances in previous posts.  They ordinances are posted on the township web site, and will be approved at the July 17 township board meeting.

Page 6 has a notice on two public hearings to be held by the planning commission. Both would amend the zoning ordinance to allow desired work by Aquinas College.  These are scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on July 24.

The bulkiest item in on p. 7.  This announces a public hearing by the planning commission, also scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on July 24. This will allow for zoning changes in favor of a Spectrum Health project along the area adjacent to 2600 and 2700 East Beltline NE.  I’ve mentioned this in earlier postings.

The fact that all three public hearings are scheduled for the same time suggests that the planning commission is not expecting a large turnout.  If you live in the affected areas, however, you might want to attend to find out what is going to be happening.

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